Do not settle with a less Quality Life!

You do not need to burn a hole in your pocket to achieve Beauty from within, yet ironically Quality stuffs do not come cheap either.

Gorgeous Looks can be created not by just using ICONIC COSMETICS brands only.

So how can you have a Quality Life and still be kind to your pocket at the same time?


KNOWLEDGE & TECHNIQUES are the keys to a Quality Life.


Tuesday, July 12, 2011


I use Cell Whitening everyday indoor and outdoor for maximum protection against sunlight and indoor lightings.
I love this lightly tinted cream because I can wear it on its own or as my make-up base.
This is one of my secrets in maintaining my skin's age!

Cell Whitening from ZELL-V
Advance UVA Defense
Form: Cream
Size: 50ml pump bottle

UV light is typically found as part of the radiation received by the Earth from the Sun. Most humans are aware of the effects of UV through the painful condition of sunburn. The UV spectrum has many other effects, including both beneficial and damaging changes to human health.

The Sun emits ultraviolet radiation in the UVA, UVB, and UVC bands. UVB and UVC are the ultraviolet radiation from the sun that causes sunburn to the skin but 98.7% of the ultraviolet radiation that reaches the Earth's surface is UVA.
UVB and UVC, which highly are responsible for the direct DNA damage that leads to skin dryness, wrinkles, rapid ageing of the skin and skin cancer.

An overexposure to UVB radiation can cause sunburn and some forms of skin cancer. In humans, prolonged exposure to solar UV radiation may result in acute and chronic health effects on the skin, eye, and immune system. However the most deadly form - malignant melanoma - is mostly caused by the indirect DNA damage (free radicals and oxidative stress).

Too little UVB radiation leads to a lack of Vitamin D. Too much UVB radiation leads to direct DNA damages and sunburn. An appropriate amount of UVB (What is appropriate depends on your skin colour) leads to a limited amount of direct DNA damage. This is recognized and repaired by the body. Then the melanin production is increased which leads to a long lasting tan but it is much less harmful and long lasting than the one obtained from UVA.

In the past UVA was considered less harmful, but today it is known, that it can contribute to rapid skin ageing via the indirect DNA damage (free radicals and reactive oxygen species). It penetrates deeply but it does not cause sunburn. UVA does not damage DNA directly like UVB and UVC, but it can generate highly reactive chemical intermediates, such as hydroxyl and oxygen radicals, which in turn can damage DNA. Therefore, UVA is capable of causing damage to collagen fibers and destroying vitamin A in skin and it is important that sunscreen blocks include UVA filters. Some scientists blame the absence of UVA filters in sunscreens for the higher melanoma-risk (cancer) that was found for sunscreen users.
UVA, UVB and UVC can all damage collagen fibers and thereby accelerate aging of the skin but UVA destroys vitamin A in skin which may cause further damage.

Sunscreen lotion products prevent the direct DNA damage which causes sunburn. Most of these products contain an SPF rating to show how well they block UVB rays. The SPF rating, however, offers no data about UVA protection.

In the US, the FDA is considering adding a star rating system to show UVA protection. Sunscreen lotions should now include compounds such as titanium dioxide which helps protect against UVA rays.

Sunscreen (also known as sunblock) is a lotion or other topical product that absorbs or reflects the sun's ultraviolet (UV) radiation, and protects the skin. Medical organizations such as the American Cancer Society highly recommend the use of such sunscreens. In the United States in 1999, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) decided to institute the labelling of SPF 30+ for sunscreens offering more protection.

Cell whitening meets all the requirements of what are needed to give maximum protection to the skin. Cell whitening has the combined benefits of a sunscreen and a moisturizer; it nourishes the skin with its active skin soothing composition while protecting the skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays. With its special formulation, Cell whitening has strong capabilities in absorbing the harmful UVB and especially the UVA rays of the sun, protecting the skin from damage and discoloration. It has 7.5% of Octyl Methooxycinnamate, an organic compound that absorbs the UVB rays at the epidermis of the skin. With 10% Titanium Dioxide as active ingredient, Cell whitening reflects, scatters, and absorbs the harmful UVA rays.

Besides protecting, Cell whitening keeps the skin smooth and supple with its array of moisturizing ingredients like Jojoba seed oil, Olive fruit oil, Aloe vera, Witch hazel, Matricana and Vitamin E. It also lightens the skin and resists pigmentation caused by the UV rays.

Cell whitening special formulation is long wearing and is protective up 10 hours.
Non-comedogenic and Hypoallergenic
UVA and UVB protection up to 10 hours
Moisturizes as it protects the skin
Resist skin discoloration
Sun Protecting Factor 35


Information provided on this blog is for informational purposes only; it is not intended as a substitute for advice from your own medical team or any form of advertisment. The information on this blog is not to be used for diagnosing or treating any health concerns you may have - please contact your physician or health care professional for all your medical needs.

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